Expacer is an educational ecosystem to develop your sons entrepreneurial skills and mindset. Lessons for today’s and future’s challenges!
Have you ever wished you had learned certain concepts and skills that would undoubtedly make your life easier and open doors to new opportunities? Your child doesn’t have to go through the same problems you did. At Expacer, your child stands out by learning hard skills (startups, business models, investments, SWOT analysis, Golden Circle, Design Thinking, and much more) from an early age. In addition to soft skills such as negotiation, problem-solving, leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, and more.
To us, an entrepreneur is someone who goes beyond the challenges they face because they create their own possibilities, transform and influence the environment, express themselves clearly, understand how to make the best use of the resources they have available or even how to get what they need, never give up on their dreams, and much more.
That’s why, despite the uncertain future of work, we know one thing for sure: entrepreneurs will stand out. They are more connected to the real world, autonomous, communicative, courageous, and above all, prepared for challenges bigger than they can handle.
How we are developing youth entrepreneurial skills
Weekly meetings with activities to promote a consistent development in entrepreneurial mindset and behavior.
Intensive days in entrepreneurial ecosystems to talk, learn and create with peers and real-life entrepreneurs.
Gamified challenges with learning path to develop entrepreneurial mindset and skills while have fun and connect to create projects.
Full trans-disciplinary program on business, technology, finance and social emotional development.